In the summer of 1849, a magician named Rhia Rhama Rhoos gave his
What was even more impressive was that the
eccentric conjuror “Rhia Rhama Rhoos” was in fact -
the great English novelist Charles Dickens.
Dickens had been inspired by seeing a performance of
Dickens was immediately obsessed with magic.
He and his friend (and biographer)
John Forster purchased
and began putting on amateur magic shows at his home and at parties.
Dickens actually became quite accomplished.
But by 1849, his fame as an author created too much pressure
to continue to publish more books.
After his last public performance in 1849, Dickens put away
his wand and magic props, and wrote his next masterpiece.
The book, published in 1850, was titled... David Copperfield.